Our Expertise

Buying, Investing, Partnering and Joint Ventures

Whether your growth opportunity is driven by consolidation, entering new markets or simply to enable acceleration to your operations, we will assist you in your agenda along your strategic objectives by finding you ideal partners and targets to integrate and complement your business with. We have multi-year experience in successfully supporting execution of such opportunities and creatively finding solutions that enable value creation

Selling whole or part of your business

Where there is a natural or technical opportunity to exit and monetise your business, we will support you in preparing, timing and in executing such sale or dilution. We have tremendous amount of experience, we can help you with a lot of the work required in the preparation and are extremely well connected in the market internationally to get the best result for you.

Business and Financing of Projects

Whether you need funding for business expansion, working capital or more strategic matters, we will bring to your attention the range of instruments and options available and will advise on the quantum and terms of financing that is best suited to execute your plans. We have the right relationships and we will bring the appropriate committed sources of funding for you to consider and decide upon.

Strategic and Operational

Agricultural based sectors require a very deep understanding of “Filiera” and the full value chain - from the land to the ultimate consumer. A precise understanding of where the value lies and a correct positioning can make a significant difference to the success of any venture. We are hands-on management experienced individuals and we are capable of supporting your journey from a broad perspective, being in channel management, agri-tech evolution themes or business sustainability and ESG matters

Valuations and Pricing Analysis

Valuing your business and your assets requires, in the wine sector, a range of specialist competences. We have developed a set of methodologies that objectively reflect the value of your tangible assets, such as the vineyards, but also includes robust intangible value that reflects the development and the contribution made to the business over the years being in the form of brand, processes and know-how.